Meet our great friend Sofia Morgan - better half of Bob Morgan - as she endures a front seat ride with me in my 1940 Piper J-3 Cub. Enjoying multiple wingovers and the "River Run", she is heard uncontrollably giggling & screaching with glee, like a little girl on her first roller coaster ride! Sofia had a great time and emerged with a Scat-eatin-grin on her face wide enough to fit a bananna in sideways!
Sofia's husband, Bob, I had given a ride a few weeks prior, was amazed at the "high-tech" method of which I was navigating us from KMYV -to- KSAC...flying "IFR" ("I Follow Roads/Railways/Rivers"). On the way back to my home-base our handheld VHF radio battery peters-out! now we're flying in a manner which the 1940 Cub was originally designed to be flown, Low-&-Slow, and electric out!
We met Bob & Sofia through my Dad while Bob was working (with my dad) at NASA Ames Research Center. Bob, a veteran of the Korean War, and former Marine and USAF member is one of the best friends my Dad had ever known, with a big heart and quick quip! Full of stories, Bob always keeps us entertained - full of life! The best thing Bob ever did was to find Sofia in Greece and marry her, introducing her to the rest of America, and us. Sofia recently earned her Master's Degree and currently works as a satelite engineer at the "Big-Blue-Cube" at Onizuka AFS in Mountain View, CA. A Greek woman, Sofia is the stuff of life that keeps Bob waking up every day... You guys can come fly with me anytime - but bring Baklavah!
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