Meet our great friend Sofia Morgan - better half of Bob Morgan - as she endures a front seat ride with me in my 1940 Piper J-3 Cub. Enjoying multiple wingovers and the "River Run", she is heard uncontrollably giggling & screaching with glee, like a little girl on her first roller coaster ride! Sofia had a great time and emerged with a Scat-eatin-grin on her face wide enough to fit a bananna in sideways!
Sofia's husband, Bob, I had given a ride a few weeks prior, was amazed at the "high-tech" method of which I was navigating us from KMYV -to- KSAC...flying "IFR" ("I Follow Roads/Railways/Rivers"). On the way back to my home-base our handheld VHF radio battery peters-out! now we're flying in a manner which the 1940 Cub was originally designed to be flown, Low-&-Slow, and electric out!
We met Bob & Sofia through my Dad while Bob was working (with my dad) at NASA Ames Research Center. Bob, a veteran of the Korean War, and former Marine and USAF member is one of the best friends my Dad had ever known, with a big heart and quick quip! Full of stories,
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